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Brink (stylized as BRINK) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Splash Damage and published by Bethesda Softworks for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in May 2011.

In Brink, two factions, Resistance and Security, battle in a once-utopian city called The Ark, a floating city above the waters of a flooded Earth.

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Brink is a first-person shooter with a strong focus on parkour-style movemt. Online multiplayer servers hold up to 16 players; players can play cooperatively or competitively, or against artificially-intelligt bots.

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By noting a player's position and predicting what they are trying to do, the system automatically navigates complex vironmts without interaction. By holding down the SMART button, a player will automatically clear obstacles without the need of complex button input from the player, like in Mirror's Edge. SMART automatically mimics adaptive parkour, similar to Prototype.

Players can customize their loadouts and buy special abilities with experice points, which are earned by completing objectives. The abilities that the player can buy for their character are either "universal" (abilities that the player will be able to use regardless of their class during a mission) and class-specific (abilities that the player can use only wh they are in that class). All characters in the beginning will have the "basic kits" of each class so that they can perform the esstial objectives only. The class-specific abilities that they buy, however, can hance their ability and their role in a certain class, pottially making objectives easier to complete and allowing for a greater gain in experice points.

The same experice points can be earned in both single-player and multiplayer, adding a special "online bonus" to the player's experice points after completing a mission online. Bethesda claims that players can create a total of 102 quadrillion unique character combinations, if minor variations are factored in.

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There are several appearance combinations that a character can have. One of the most significant appearance categories is body type. There are three distinct body types in Brink: heavy, medium, and light, and each have their own positive and negative qualities.

The Squad Commander system gives players context-ssitive objectives. A variety of factors—where the player is, how skilled they are, their overall mission progress, etc.—determine what objectives will be available. During both on- and offline play, the player can defd one of their faction's command posts or capture an emy's command post.

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There are two types of command posts: health and supply. Each team will have a ctral command post where reinforcemts will start. That command post cannot be captured by the other team and any emy that tries will be killed by indestructible turrets. However, there will be a few health and supply command posts that can be captured. If a player captures a command post, it will buff all of their teammates' health or supplies. If a player buys certain abilities for their character, th upon capture they can upgrade the command post (an gineer's special ability) or firewall it (an operative's special ability).

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An Objective Wheel shows the main objective in yellow and will show a checkpoint which the player will need to go to to achieve that primary objective. The primary objectives are esstial to completing the mission. Depding on what side the player is on and what mission the player is doing, there are only a certain amount of primary objectives that you can allow the opposing team to complete before you fail the mission. There are also secondary objectives. Secondary objectives are non-esstial to the mission but can make the mission easier to complete. These include capturing an emy's command post, constructing/destroying a barricade, hacking a door to flank the emy, or repairing a lift to provide an alternative route. Each player has an objective wheel in their invtory and will, on certain missions, be timed to achieve the goal that must be completed. Each Objective gives Experice points (xp) upon completion. During Game play the player earns experice and unlocks new abilities/custom gear to put on their custom character.

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Brink (video Game) - Body Art Wikipedia Games Free Play Online

Brink takes place in the near future during the mid-21st ctury on an artificial floating island called the Ark. Built during the years 2010s, it was conceived as an vironmtally and economically self-sustainable city, a contemporary model for gre, ecological living. However, global warming lead to a dramatic rise in sea levels around the world, causing most of the known land masses to disappear and civilization to collapse. Decades later, the Ark has become a place for refugees coming from all around the world as they view the innovative island as the only suitable place to survive. The Ark is now home to ts of thousands more people than it was originally meant to sustain, and its supposedly rewable resources and technologies are being drained to the extreme limit. Now, the Ark exists in total isolation and has lost contact with the outside world, with many people believing that the tire planet has be submerged by the oceans completely. Most of the refugees live in tight spaces arranged from rusty shipping containers and wreckage, constantly having to deal with extreme poverty and degradation while the original inhabitants of the Ark, the Founders, reside in its luxury districts. These frictions have caused a civil war to begin, betwe the revolutionary forces of the Resistance and the military troops of the Ark Security.

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The Resistance is led by Brother Ch, a name that the Resistance affectionately uses for him. Joseph Ch played a significant part in the Ark's design and construction. However, he became angry at the Founders' and Security's decision to ration water and isolate the Ark's refugees from the rest of the island while Security and the Founders live in relative wealth. Ch armed and founded The Resistance, a group of well-trained refugees, and demanded that the Founders share the Ark's resources, and water, equally. The Resistance's goal in Brink is to protect refugees from Security forces, distribute Ark's resources to those in need, and to establish contact with the outside world. The Resistance agrees with Ch that the Founders and Ark Security are corrupt and oppressive, and that only the people from the outside world can help them overcome the ever increasing hardships of the Ark's situation.

Ark Security is led by Captain Clinton Mokoa. Security's point of view is very differt from that of the Resistance, whom they view as terrorists with dangerous ideas and goals that could evtually destroy the Ark. Ark Security's goals in the game is to stop Ch and his terrorist plots, protect the Ark's remaining resources (and maintain control over them), and to preserve the Founders' vision of a self-sustaining island. Captain Mokoa believes that the rest of the world is in far worse shape than the Ark, and that it would be too dangerous to establish contact with them. At one point in the game, he tells "classified" information to Ark Security, revealing that there is an outside world, and that years ago the Founders st out Ark represtatives to try to make contact with it, only for them to be captured and tortured to death by the outsiders, who wanted to know the Ark's location to raid it.

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The player will choose one of these two factions. While each level is the same regardless of the factions for which the player fights, the goals of each side will be differt, and the plot-point revolving around each level will be differt. For example, in one level, if the player fights for Security, the goal will be to break into a bio-weapons lab and steal a viral bomb that could infect the Ark's inhabitants so that they can launch a counter measure. However, if playing for the Resistance, the goal will be to procure a vaccine from the greedy Founders and Security so that it can distributed fairly among all of the Ark's inhabitants.

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Regardless of the player's allegiance, the ding shows the smoking aftermath of the battle betwe the two factions. Spotting the carnage, a boat driv by outsiders head towards the Ark, as the narrator (revealed to be on the boat, scoping the Ark with a model city), who appeared in the intro, speaks about the uncertain future of the Ark,

At QuakeCon 2010, Splash Damage announced Brink's digital pre-order bonuses for several digital retailers in North America as well as Asia. These bonuses will help expand the players starting customization options, with the Doom (GameStop), Fallout (Best Buy), Psycho ( and Direct2Drive) and Spec Ops (Walmart and Steam) packs. The "Doom" and "Spec Ops" packs are both available in Nordic retailers.

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All the pre-order bonuses were later made available to purchase. In the United Kingdom, GAME released a "special edition" which, while costing more than the normal edition, included the Spec Ops and DOOM packs.

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The first and only downloadable contt (DLC) for Brink, released on 3 August 2011 for the


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